"Proof, everybody wants proof but nobody wants
their competitors to know we work for them!"

Benefits = ROI
Basic Submissions
Hand Submissions
Meta-tag Services
Ranking Services
Pro Submissions
Pro Optimization
Pro Ownership

Website Analysis
Web Analysis 2

Free Content

Website Marketing
Category Online
CD ROM Cards
URL Tips

Website Fees
SS Hot Tips
Case Study
Hot Links

Dale Earnhardt
Our Country
Pop-Up Stopper

Site Map

It is far better to show you what we can accomplish for your business, than it is to say what we do it and never back it up with results - Do you remember, what we built our website's for?

Business Results!

Below is an example of what we are discussing. We will use our own business as a testimonial - do you think website marketing is a tough category to compete with online?

Pick your favorite search engine, it doesn't matter, you decide. AOL , MSN , Yahoo! , Google or your favorite. Now see if and where you can find Hyperformance Media under these keyword phrases...(we have omitted many key terms here, we don't want our competition to benefit from our extensive keyword research).

How about, " hand submissions ", did you find us? Try " unique selling propositions ", or " website marketing Illinois "... did you see Hyperformance Media in the results? Oh, you think those terms may be too obscure? Remember, we are searching the World .

Try these;

cd rom business cards
website consultants in chicago
(website marketing consultants illinois)
website marketing chicago
(website marketing consultants chicago)
custom meta tags
website fees
outsourcing website marketing
ethical website marketing
internet promotions chicago
internet promotions illinois

...and there's many more. Each one of these categories brings a different prospect to our website. This is how you focus your relevancy. As you can see, we secure pretty good positions under these keyword phrases (first page in many cases). The more terms you are found under in this manner, the more qualified targeted traffic (visitors) your website will receive. This results in very targeted traffic. Now when do you want to own your category on the Internet? Still not convinced?

Remember, when you are approached by a search engine specialist or another website marketing firm, ask to see their own results. If they can't do it (put themselves on the first two pages) for their website, how can they do it for yours?

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